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Education To Women

Welcome to Kitango Foundation

Human rights issues for women
and youth

Encouraging community in building women entrepreneurship development practices.

Eliminate gender discrimination, school ideal leaning environment and environmental protection in Tanzania countrywide.





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Most Out of Tax Time

Receive as much as 53% amount back tax-time.

  • Provincial tax incentives add up to farward
  • Eliminate the capital gains tax
  • Consider carrying donations forward
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Charitable Gift Card

You Choose the design, Value and your recipient.

  • Select your gift card for good cause
  • We deliver your card on the day
  • Make them happy for all occasion
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Urgent Cause

Syria: Millions of People doesn’t Eat All Day

Royal Parks Half Marathon Dharms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee…

  • Date:

    July 10, 2021

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Our Global Causes

Spread Joy with a Donation

  • All Categories
  • Education
  • Health & Food
  • Hunger & Nutrition
  • Treatment
  • Water & Environment
Recent Donors

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for High Impact Causes

Kitango Approaches

We believes in the Human rights-based approach

Kitango Foundation is centered to work with Government and individuals both local and international all partners who are willing and volunteers to become agents of change about delivering sustainable development in the community.

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Awareness Raising, Theater, Referral System , Group Formation and Capacity Building, Documentation and Advocacy.


Focusing Areas

Education, Building, Human Rights on Women Rights and Gender based violence Children and Environmental protection.


Working Areas

We implement our programs and projects in Tanzania With youth Volunteers, community workers, on reducing economic gender gaps by empowering targeted group from low income families through entrepreneurship education.


Women empowerment & Economic Development

Promote and to protect the human rights focusing on gender equality, violence against women, domestic workers rights, awareness of equality.

Our Recent Events

Here to Bring Women Together

Our events address issues surrounding access to education, curriculum reform, improvement of the quality of teaching and learning, achievement of learning outcomes, capacity building and teacher training, reducing inequality in the girls’ education.

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Meet Our Team

Most Passionate Team Members

The master-builder of human happiness no one rejects, dislikes
or avoids pleasure itself pleasure,


Success Stories, To Know About Our Charity

The majority have suffered alteration all injected humours randomises.

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